Clean Energy Topic: Offshore Wind
Understanding Energy Through Wind Turbines
In this unit students will be building knowledge on what energy is and how it is harnessed, students will interact with a variety of energy stations to build an understanding on what energy is. From there students will learn about renewable energy and the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy. Students will learn how to…
Offshore Wind Turbines Renewable Energy
Students are introduced to offshore wind. They learn how offshore turbines are different, the challenges and benefits of building in the ocean, and how offshore wind turbines are built.
Battleship Windfarms
Wind power is a renewable resource that provides humans with an alternative to fossil fuels. However, wind farms cannot be built everywhere and when they are in the path of migratory birds, they can kill or injure these birds.
Clean Water Power: Wind, Waves, and Moving Water
This unit strives to answer the question: “How can the power of moving help communities by generating electricity?” Through a variety of lessons centered on the phenomena of the power of moving water, students will develop skills in circuits, model building, and testing. Students will explore issues surrounding clean water, energy, and careers.
Exploring Different Forms of Water Power
Students will build a model of a Marine Wave Generator (Kidwind Offshore Floating Wind Buoy, NEED’s Model Wav Generator Buoy, or Air Buoy) and test it to collect data and observe how water power is converted into electricity.
Where is the Clean Water Around Me?
This lesson has students use hydropower, wave power, and wind power mapping tools to map the renewable resources around them on a large classroom map of their region, state, or North America.
Social, Emotional, and Equity Discussions in Clean Water Power
This lesson has students jigsaw a bank of readings on the social, environmental, and equity issues with clean water power in order to make sense of how water power impacts the environment and people. Additionally, students will explore energy sovereignty and tribal energy independence in the Pacific Northwest to learn about how hydropower has impacted…