Bess Hjartarson Headshot

Bess Hjartarson

Bess has been teaching science for 10 years. Her goals as a science teacher are to provide an immersive, hands-on learning environment where my students feel welcome, safe, and comfortable learning and practicing their STEM skills. She believe that students learn best when doing, so in her classroom and lab they do a lot of “doing.” In addition to teaching in the classroom, Bess is also the Science Olympiad Advisor, the CBHS AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society) Advisor, and the coordinator of the CBHS/CBMS MakerSpace (which she co-created with the CBMS Principal). Bess was also a member of the Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative Science Revision Committee when they were tasked with revising Montana’s science standards in accordance with the national Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).