Bradford Hill Headshot

Bradford Hill

Science educator and Knowles Teacher Initiative Senior Fellow Bradford Hill currently teaches physics and engineering at Mountainside High School, in Beaverton, Oregon. Bradford also plays a key role in the Portland Metro STEM Partnership (PMSP), facilitating a collaborative STEM education project using the Patterns Approach. He holds a Masters in Physics from the University of Maryland and a Masters in Science Education from the University of California at Berkeley. Bradford has been instrumental in revamping high school STEM education at the district and state levels and has also received a Fulbright Distinguished Teaching Award to work with teachers in Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam. Moreover, he has served as President of the Oregon Science Teachers Association from 2013–2016 and is currently a board member of OSTA.

When asked about clean energy education, Hill emphasized its importance, stating, “Electricity is a part of every one of my students’ lives, and having a safe, clean power grid is important to them. In fact, it may even potentially be a future career.” Hill, a lifelong learner, is enthusiastic about STEM professionals to learn even more about Power in the Pacific Northwest and help students find compelling, fulfilling careers.