Courtney Green Headshot

Courtney Greene

Courtney has been an educator for more than 20 years, at Fernan STEM Academy, Bryan Elementary, Hayden Meadows Elementary, and Sorensen Elementary Schools, teaching all grade levels from kindergarten through fifth grade.
Courtney’s passion for inquiry has led to partnerships with the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and the University of Idaho to create authentic, place-based learning experiences for her students. Her class’s latest inquiry unit was a case study of a local creek system, which had students as collaborators with the community conservation water management team led by tribal
Through a fellowship at Boise State University she worked with the Idaho State Department of Education offering teacher training in unit development based on the Next Generation Science Standards. She was able to continue this work through ISTEM professional development from the Idaho STEM Action Center. Courtney was a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching in 2020 and currently works for Idaho Department of Education.