Sarah Ruggiero-Kirby Headshot

Sarah Ruggiero-Kirby

Sarah Ruggiero-Kirby is the Secondary Science Specialist (TOSA) and Outdoor School Coordinator for Eugene 4J School District. She is a founding member of Oregon Educators for Climate Education (OECE), working on comprehensive, integrated K-12 climate education legislation across Oregon. She is President-Elect for Oregon Science Teacher Association (OSTA), serves on the Board of Directors for the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council, is co-chair of the OEA Climate Caucus, and serves on the Leadership Team of Oregon Science Leaders (OSL). She has been teaching for 25 years in middle and high school science classes, 12 of which were spent teaching in a Natural Resource Management CTE program at Churchill High School, with a strong focus on hydrology, forestry, sustainability, renewable energy and climate resilience.