Thomas Beck Headshot

Thomas Beck

Thomas Allen Beck is an educator, an illustrator, a creative, and an engineer that believes knowledge should be at the forefront of human progress. He became an educator because he has always intentionally believed in a growth mindset. To learn about everything and embrace change in an ever-evolving world is the only way we can help our communities move forward. To fail with purpose is something that should be taught to our younger generations. Thomas currently teaches at Renaissance High School in Bremerton, WA. In addition to being a STEAM CTE teacher for his ALE, he coaches robotics and advocates for educational equity by teaching with the Microsoft TEALS program. Since he works in an alternative learning environment working with Clean Energy. Bright Futures will create an avenue of employability for his students in an underserved community. Educational equity is a pillar of his belief system, and he holds true to his teaching mantra – “Don’t preach, just teach!”