Brian Vollmer-Buhl Headshot

Brian Vollmer-Buhl

Brian began his 30 year teaching career in inner city Detroit as a student teacher, and has spent much of his career taking on challenges that refine and improve his effectiveness as an educator. He has always been drawn to new curriculum development and classroom implementation, from Oregon Sea Grant to H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest collaborations, and even a trip to Japan to research and write lessons about a pioneering Japanese fish biologist. Brian has worked with CE. Clean Energy. Bright Futures to develop renewable energy, natural gas, and Water Power lessons, bringing in the expertise of partners, colleagues and professionals to develop and share curriculum with fellow educators. Brian has also worked with the Oregon Department of Education to revise the Oregon Science Assessment, field tested questions, student responses, and drafting a final test. He is a skilled presenter, sharing his units through the Oregon Science Teachers Association, UO STEM Core, Lane ESD, and SEA Grant.